Saturday, July 09, 2005

Blog, Blogger, Bloggest

This is for no one in particular, so if you feel victimized, it’s entirely your problem. So, we’re an entire nation by ourselves now, aren’t we? The nation of bloggers. So many people blog. Blogging is really not about being a talented writer, is it? Because if it was, then a lot of people are breaking the law. And horribly at that. Blogging is about self-expression probably. I don’t know. And I don’t care. Why do you blog? Why do I blog? Does it matter? We blog because we want to. Will you stop blogging if I tell you your stuff is worthless? Or if I tell you your grammar is worse than that of a 5 year old? Or if I tell you no one wants to hear you whine about your boyfriend leaving you for your best friend? No? Well, that’s what I thought.

So, is there some sort of code we have to live by? Because I’m not aware. I didn’t start blogging to fall prey to just another set of rules in my life. But there certainly seem to be some - unwritten ones at that. Obviously. We’re not really all about writing here, are we!

Here are some of the rules that I unearthed:

1. If I comment on your blog, you have to comment on mine.

No one really says it, but they sure as hell mean it. However, let me make this clear. If I comment on your blog, I don’t expect you to comment on mine. I’ll comment on yours if I like reading your blog. If you like reading mine, you can comment. It doesn’t matter to me. There are people’s blogs I will comment on, and they may never comment on mine. I won’t stop visiting their blog, or secretly read their stuff and not comment, just because they didn’t comment on mine. We’re not in the 6th grade, for crying out loud! It’s pathetic how people will say something just for the heck of being nice or returning the favour. If I don’t like how you write, I will not suck up to you. You’re not doing me a favour by commenting at my blog. So I owe you nothing.

2. I’m going to judge you by what you write, because obviously that’s who you are.

If you’re judging me by what I write, then I can imagine the impression you’ve gotten of me. People don’t have to be what they write. Sometimes people are the exact opposite of what they write. Sometimes people write just for fun. Words are a beautiful thing. When strung together, can be interpreted in so many ways. There’s no need to idolize anybody based on his or her words. They may hardly mean it. It’s easy to be good with words. And it’s that easy for people to get carried away by them too. Writing is not a skill anymore. It’s the style of writing however, that is. So if I like the way you write, it hardly means I like you! I only know good writing when I see it. I am not psychic.

3. You blogroll me and I’ll blogroll you.

It’s just like us people to make a business out of anything, isn’t it? “Hey, I’ve blogrolled you. I hope you don’t mind” is a comment I’ve seen on so many blogs. Why will they mind? No one minds being publicized on someone else’s blog. But you WANT them to know that you have done so, don’t you? So that they do the same. Pathetic.

4. If you comment on my blog, I’ll thank you on yours so everyone knows what a nice person I am.

“Thank you for your comment.” Are you serious? Really? I don’t even know what to say about this one!

There are a lot more rules out there that I’ll unearth once I get more acquainted with the blog world. But it’s a nice nation we’ve got here. Everybody is so nice to everybody, to random people, to strangers they’ve never met. Isn’t that so sweet? I’m glad I’m not diabetic. Anyway, I’m not here to spread any joy around. A little bitterness is not going to spoil anyone’s day, is it? It is? Well, that’s just too darn bad.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa.hard hitting n good.n im not trying to be sweet wen i say good , u wont decide my grades in the financial accounting exam that i need to please i dont want u to comment on my blog.not even a thank you.n just dont blogroll me.

7/09/2005 3:13 PM  
Blogger Random Access said...

True, I have noticed this trend too, though I make sure not to adhere to it. I like to be different, I always am, but these are kinda standards. Its what we come to define as etiquette. However, its not at the stage when the author curses u for not following that. I do hope it remains that way! Your crude talk does make a lot of sense...sometimes..

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!

8/06/2005 10:33 AM  

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